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Editors Statement

This, our second edition of the Journal of the Washington Institute of China Studies, follows a slightly different format than the first. Instead of eight articles of about the same length, this edition begins with an extensive study of Higher Education in China focusing on recent reforms enacted and proposed for future enactment designed to bring Chinese universities into the “World Class” category. Since the opening in 1979, the best and brightest Chinese students have usually pursued advance studies abroad, usually in the US. Many of these students did not return to China upon graduation. World Class universities at home should help stem this brain drain and aid Chinese development to sustain economic growth required to raise the standard of living for many Chinese.

Two studies follow that compare aspects of Chinese society with European Union (EU) countries. One compares Italian corruption with similar problems in China. The second compares the two most prominent transition strategies from state command and control economies to free market systems. China’s gradual approach is compared with Poland’s “Big Bang” approach. Some conclusions are drawn as to which strategy works for what kind of country. Another study addresses the growth of private owned enterprises and their political and fiscal consequences in China.
The next to last article deals with the rise of Nationalism and Nationalistic feelings in China. The author relies on survey data to answer questions about the rise of national feelings in China during the last 2 decades and some of the reasons for it. The final piece deals with the unresolved sovereignty issues of the Spratley Islands. This issue remains below the radar of most countries but will it continue to remain so? The author explores the potential for unanticipated consequences to emerge to upset the current status quo.
We hope these articles spread some light in where our two countries are headed and hopefully help to give both sides a better understanding of each other. Now comes the hard part. We desperately need your financial support to keep this effort going. Please send us your tax deductible contribution but unlike public TV we can’t give you any DVDs or recordings as a bonus for a contribution. All you can get is the knowledge that maybe you helped further world peace and understanding. Thank you.
Bernard T. Pitsvada, Editor

Correction: In the last edition I observed that the impasse during the Korean War was over our unwillingness to repatriate 7,000 Chinese POWs who did not want to return to China. The US captured approximately 21,000Chinese POW, while 7,000 were willing to be repatriated, 14,000 did not. So the impasse was over 14,000 POWs.