World Bank and China in Recent Developments with Special Reference to Renewable Energy

  • Mark M. Michalski World Bank Consultant


One of the features of the World Bank’s assistance in China’s current development is to alleviate the tension on the imbalance between its economic and social development, and between its scarce natural resourcesand the environment.  The Bank supports the Government's strategy for scaling up its renewable energy for power generation based on developing a supporting legal and regulatory framework, increasing access to advanced technology and techniques to permit the exploitation of renewable energy resources.  To say that we live in an increasingly interdependent, global world is a truism. The meaning of truism, however, is just that it is true.  What China does affects a significant portion of the entire world. 

Author Biography

Mark M. Michalski, World Bank Consultant
Mark Michalski is completing PhD work in public policy and is the World Bank Consultant specialized in procurement training and project implementation.  He has taught management and procurement courses at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, during the 1990s, Poland’s transition period.  He has contributed chapters in several  books and published in journals in Polish and in English.